Distracted driving is a big problem in New Mexico. In addition to texting while driving, other behaviors include eating, reading, grooming, using navigation systems, and adjusting radios or other listening devices.
The goal of the New Mexico Department of Transportation's DNTXT/JUSTDRIVE Campaign is to bring awareness to the problems of distracted driving in an effort to reduce crashes and fatalities on our roadways. We promote the safe practices of not using a cell phone or other personal device while driving, as well as avoiding all other driver distractions. We strive to educate drivers about laws restricting such unsafe, dangerous behaviors.

Seat belts save lives. Speeding and reckless driving endanger all New Mexicans.
The New Mexico Department of Transportation’s BKLUP and SLODWN campaigns bring awareness to the importance of seat belt use and driving within the speed limit in an effort to engage the public and change unsafe behaviors.

The zipper merge is the new way to merge traffic when entering a construction zone. Motorists use both lanes of traffic right up into the merge area where they take turns merging. Like a zipper.
As New Mexico grows, maintaining and expanding our roadways becomes even more important. With an increase in both projects and population, there is a pressing need for a safer, more effective way to reduce congestion. The zipper merge is not well-known in the state. The campaign’s goal is to bring attention to this new method, and to educate and instruct the public on how to navigate through construction using the zipper merge.

Motorcyclists are far more likely to die in motor vehicle crashes than passenger car occupants. Raising awareness of the threat to motorcyclists on the road is crucial.
The New Mexico Department of Transportation’s campaign for motorcycle safety targets both motorcyclists and other drivers about the challenges facing motorcyclists. It brings awareness to how we all need to share the road and look out for each other.

Too many pedestrians and bicyclists are injured and killed on our roadways.
The New Mexico Department of Transportation’s pedestrian and bicycle safety campaigns are aimed at bringing awareness to the safety of pedestrians and cyclists, and encouraging behavior change for everyone on the road, all in an effort to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety in the state.

Drugged driving is impaired driving and has increased over the last decade causing an increase in crashes and fatalities.
As most people know not to drink and drive, attitudes toward driving under the influence of marijuana and pills are different. The New Mexico Department of Transportation’s Drugged Driving Campaign is aimed at changing those attitudes through messaging and content that shows the severe consequences of drugged driving.

Southeast New Mexico has the highest number of commercial vehicles in the state, making their roads extra dangerous.
The New Mexico Department of Transportation is working hard to improve our roads in Southeast New Mexico to account for the increase of traffic resulting from the booming oil and gas industry. Truck-involved crashes have spiked in recent years. Awareness campaigns urge drivers to slow down, not tailgate, and to only overtake vehicles when safe to do so.

Dust storms are common in New Mexico and can be deadly. They can reduce visibility to zero in just seconds, making it impossible to see the roadway or nearby vehicles.
The objective for the New Mexico Department of Transportation’s Dust Storm Safety Campaign is to educate the public on what to do if encountering a dust storm while driving. Messaging is informative to help prevent confusion if drivers are suddenly stuck in a dust storm.

Projects to build and improve the state’s roadways are always in the works. Keeping the public informed is essential.
We see the construction signs but may not always know the big picture. Awareness campaigns for road projects let us know how our tax dollars are being spent, what to expect, how the project serves our needs as a community, and how to circumnavigate the temporary inconveniences resulting from the improvements.